At the moment, almost no other branch
experiences such a rapid change like the media industry: new technology,
new competitors, consumers to whom long-lasting relations need to be
established, new types of media, new content. The convergence of
branches, platforms and media is the most important driver for the
emergence of a new industry with a totally new face. The
digitalization and networking boost the change processes: Content can be
marketed global at the same time on many different platforms.
Furthermore and to be economically successful, the need to acknowledge
national and even regional differences in the identities of potential
customers is growing. The opportunity to supplement traditional content
with new services opens media companies lucrative areas of business. For
instance can established TV providers and the printing press through
their brand enable direct marketers and dealers to gain access to nearly
all households.
The value chain of the entertainment industry will change
fundamentally through the further development of this convergence. By
means of the Internet, all media possess the potential for the
elimination of intermediaries. In the long term, music industry
companies can in principle market their products without retailers via
streaming media. Within a broadband network environment, Hollywood's
studios are potentially able to circumvent the sales of videos via other
distributors or pay-TV channels and offer the consumers their movies
themselves. The coming revolution in mobile communications will
increasingly make content accessible, which was before reserved for the
publishing houses.
At the same time, new opportunities for new intermediaries arise who
either possess competences particularly in the creation of customer
relationships and the retention of customers or achieve an effective
lasting relationship through the bundling of different, highly
attractive content.
Dr. Helbig & Partner possesses many years of experience in the
converging markets of media and telecommunications. Often, we are
decisively involved in the crucial developments in these markets.
We would be glad to help you.
Please contact us